Tuesday 5 April 2011

Building the Egg Glider

Building the egg glider was an...interesting experience. I remember during the first half of the class, my group members and I were panicking. We did some research, but we still had no idea how to actually make the thing fly. We tried making it look like one of those gliders with the big wings, but that crashed. Mr Chung advised us to bend the tip of the wings, and that helped a little. Later, we added a tail because we saw some other group do it. We tried to fly the glider later, but again, it crashed. We didn't give up. We kept making alterations to the glider. It can glide now, but it really depends on how we throw it. On the day of flying, I'm just going to hope for the best. Hopefully, whoever is throwing the glider will throw it in a way that it will glide c:

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