Thursday, 28 April 2011



A cannon is defined as A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile (Wikipedia). The have long narrow "necks" that can launch a projectile a great distance. The angle of the cannon to the ground plays an important role in the distance traveled by the projectile, with 45 degrees being the greatest distance.

Newton's third law states that "With every reaction, there is an equal, opposite reaction". Therefore if the cannon has a lot of firepower, it should be constructed to withstand the opposite reaction.

Newton's Lab - Results

1) acceleration vs. force 1

d1=0.8 cm d2=3.0 cm dt=24 cm
t=1/30 s a=1.6m/s2
v1= 0.24 m/s v2=0.9m/s

2) acceleration vs. force 2

d1=2.9 cm d2=9.0 m dt=58 cm
t=1/30 s a= 5.6 m/s2
v1= 0.87 m/s v2=2.70 m/s

3) acceleration vs. force 3

d1=3.5 cm d2=7.3 cm dt=35 cm
t=1/300 s a= 5.28 m/s2
v1= 1.05 m/s v2=2.19m/s

4) acceleration vs.mass 1

d1=0.8 cm d2=3 cm dt=24 cm
t=1/30 s a=1.6m/s2
v1= 0.24 m/s v2=0.9m/s

5) acceleration vs. mass 2

d1=6.5 cm d2=10 cm dt=54 cm
t=1/30 s a= 5.2 m/s2
v1=1.95 m/s v2=3.06 m/s

6) acceleration vs. mass 3

d1=5.5 cm d2=13 cm dt=53 cm
t=1/30 s a= 11.8m/s2
v1=1.65 m/s v2= 3.9 m/s

Newspaper Tower - The product

Our plan actually worked. The base was sturdy enough to support the length of the tower. The tower was around 1.8m tall, and could actually stand. The only problem was that the tower was a little slanted, which threw the measurement off a little.

The tower of Newspapers

We have to build a tower with nothing but tape and a few sheets of newspapers. Since most tall towers are narrow, we are going to roll the newspaper into long sticks, and then sticking them together. We want to have a kind of triangular base, and then have the rest of the tower extend up, just so that it is stable.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Egg Glider-An update

Our. Egg. Died.

He died.

The glider glided for less than a few seconds, and then it went down.

Sad :(

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Projectiles :D

So there are 5 cases of projectile motion. They are listed here:

And here are the practice problems~

Gosh, I miss my scanner...

Building the Egg Glider

Building the egg glider was an...interesting experience. I remember during the first half of the class, my group members and I were panicking. We did some research, but we still had no idea how to actually make the thing fly. We tried making it look like one of those gliders with the big wings, but that crashed. Mr Chung advised us to bend the tip of the wings, and that helped a little. Later, we added a tail because we saw some other group do it. We tried to fly the glider later, but again, it crashed. We didn't give up. We kept making alterations to the glider. It can glide now, but it really depends on how we throw it. On the day of flying, I'm just going to hope for the best. Hopefully, whoever is throwing the glider will throw it in a way that it will glide c: